28 груд. 2015 р.

Learning a new foreign language is never easy – but it's much easier when you learn it through different activities, games, watching videos and of course getting something new about life, culture and nature of the country. we have to avoid such common mistakes as: not listening enough, lack of curiosity, rigid thinking, a single method, fear.  

 8 form 

Topic: Countries of  The United Kingdom
            Present Perfect Passive
Aim:  to master phonetic, speaking and writing skills;
          to practice using the words on the topic;
          to revise grammar material: to practice using sentences with the Present Perfect Passive Voice;
          to develop pupils listening skills;
          to check pupils abilities in working additional text to get information;
          to develop pupil’s imagination;
          to encourage pupils to know, respect and love their native land, culture, customs and traditions, to be tolerant and respect culture, customs and traditions of other counties;
          to incorporate group and  pair work, role –play and grammar games.
Equipment: laptop, presentation for the lesson , map of Great Britain.
Урок -конференція
I.                  Greeting
T: Good morning pupils
P: Good morning teacher
T: I’m glad to see you!
P: I’m glad to see you too.
T: Who is o duty today? What date is it today? Who is absent?
II.               Warming up
T: I think any business better to start with a nice mood. I’m sure nothing but the complements can put anybody in the right mood. It’s nice thing foe people to give complements, isn’t it?
So let’s pay complements to each other.
P1 You look nice today
P2 Thank you. And you look well too
P3 You look so well today!
P4  Thank you. And you look lovely.
P5 A smile becomes you. Please, smile more often.
P6 Oh thank you. How kind you are!
P7 Hey, you are a good mixer.
P8 Thank you, and you are kind-hearted.
P9 (to the teacher) you are so elegant dressed.
T: Thank you children, you are so good.
Well done. So we can start our lesson.
III.           Aim
Our today’s lesson is devoted to the previous topic “ The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, but we are also going to learn the new tense form – Present Perfect Passive.
So you have already some information about Great Britain and now Id like you to do a quiz
1.     Is the UK situated on an island or on a continent?
2.     What is an island?
3.     How many parts does great Britain consist of? What are their names?
4.     Where are they situated?
5.     What is Great Britain surrounded by?
6.     What can you say about the rivers in Great Britain?
7.     Where are the mountains situated? What is the highest mountain?
8.     What is the capital of the UK?
9.     What is the capital of Great Britain?
1.  What is the capital of England?
  .  What can we say about the climate of the country?
1.  Why do we say that GB has a very good geographical position?
Well done pupils.
IV.           Check on Homework
At home you had to find some information about England, Scotland and Wales. At this lesson we’ll check up what you have found.
Робота в парах. Метод «Коло ідей». Учні об’єднані в пари і діляться знайденою інформацією про подану їм частину Великобританії, узагальнюють матеріал.
(Eg. )
1.     I have learnt that England is the biggest part of Great Britain.
2.     I have read that in England  there are such big cities as Birmingham , Liverpool, Manchester, Oxford and Cambridge.
3.     And I know that London is a capital of England.
4.     I have found that queen Elizabeth II lives in England.
5.     There are many castles in England
6.     The symbol of England is a red rose.
7.     There is a famous football club Manchester United.
8.     Famous Beatles were created in England.
9.     England is a home place of William Shakespeare.
1.  I have learnt that the weather I very changeable in England.
1.     I have read that Scotland is very mountainous country.
2.     And I know that the capital of Scotland is Edinburgh.
3.     I think that Scotland is famous for its beautiful lakes like Loch Lamond.
4.     There are many holidays and festivals  in Scotland.
5.     The national symbol is thistle.
6.     And I have found that men wear skirts there.
7.     I have learnt that traditional musical instrument is begpipes.
8.     Famous poet Robert Burns was born I Scotland.
1.     I have found out that the symbol of Wales leek or a daffodil.
2.     And I know that the capital of Wales is Cardiff.
3.     The most interesting for me is that in Wales people speak 2 languages: Welsh and English.
4.     Oh and the highest peak of Wales is Snowdawn.
5.     And I have read that rugby is the national game of Wales.
6.     And I have learnt that the flag of Wales with its red dragon is one of the oldest in the world.
V.The Main Part of the lesson.
V.1. Press-Conference
You have just shared the information about the parts of Great Britain.
Now imagine that among you there are three experts on English speaking countries and they are invited to take part in the press-conference: the rest of  you will be journalists. Remember to choose a newspaper or a TV channel you are working at…. Don’t use your real names.
The journalists will ask questions and the experts will answer them.
Who would like to be a specialist?
England is the biggest part of the United Kingdom. It is a birthplace of monarchy. The head of the country is Queen Elizabeth II. The capital of England is London. Other big cities are : Manchester, Liverpool, Bristol, Windsor.
England is famous for the well-known football club Manchester United and legendary Beatles. Prominent writer William Shakespeare also was born in England.
This country is also associated with such sights as the Tower Bridge, the Buckingham palace and others.
National symbol is a red rose and the flag is called by St. George. The weather I England is foggy and rainy. But it is really a place worth to see.
Do you have any questions?
-         Hello, my name is…., I’m from ….
1.     What is England surrounded by? ( it is surrounded by Wales in the west and Scotland in the north also by the English channel in the south and the North Sea in the east.
2.     What about the rivers? ( oh, the rivers are not very long but they are deep. The biggest one is the Thames river)
3.     What can you say about education? ( Education is o a high level. The most famous universities are Oxford and Cambridge)

I would like to tell you about a beautiful country of Scotland.
Scotland lies to the North of England. People who live there are Scots.
I know that a capital of Scotland is Edinburgh.
Scotland is famous for its beautiful lakes, especially for Loch Lamond and it Loch Ness Monster.
To my mind Scotland is a country of art festivals, holidays, sport games and of course national kilts and bagpipes. Its really  worth seeing.
And world –known poet Robert Burns was born there.
The national emblem is the thistle. And the flag is a white cross of St. Andrew.
1.     Mr..- can you tell us something about the territory?( the territory of Scotland is very mountainous)
2.     And what is the highest peak of Scotland? ( It is Ben Nevis)
3.     What are the biggest cities? ( The biggest cities are Edinburgh,  Glasgow, Aberdeen )
I’m interested  in such country as Wales. That’s why I want to tell you about it.
So, Wales is one of the most beautiful parts of Great Britain. The mountains in Wales are very beautiful. There are many sheep and cattle farms in Wales. The capital of Wales is Cardiff also a big port.
The English like to spend their holidays in Wales.
Wales is know as a Land of Songs. The Welsh people like to sing . when welsh girls gather to sing they wear a tall black hat  and a red skirt.
Welsh people speak two languages Welsh and English.
The national symbols of Wales are a daffodil or a leek and a flag is white and green with a red dragon.
I advice everybody to visit that country.
1.     What is the highest mountain in Wales? – ( Snowdown is the highest mountain there)
2.     What can you say about geographical position? ( Wales is to the west of England and it is washed by the Irish sea)
V.2. Grammar Point
T:  We have listened to the information about England, Scotland and Wales. We have learnt much about these countries. And now there is a time to revise some grammar material connected with the present Perfect Tense.
Now girls and boys, open your books at page 112 Ex.1 and compare the meaning of simple passive tense forms. (табличка).
Who can tell me how do we form the passive voice in present simple?
P1 Simple Present  Passive is formed with the help of ‘am’, ‘is’, ‘are’ + the third form of the verb.
P2 Simple Past Passive is formed with the help of ‘was’, ‘were’ + third form of the verb.
T: That’s right, thanks. And when passive voice is used?
P: It is used when the doer of the action is not known or not important.
T: Right you are. The grammar point of our todays lesson is Present Perfect Passive. The Present Perfect Passive is useful when describing something that was done in the past without a lot of information about who did it, when, how, why etc.
And now look and listen to the teacher who explains how to form Present Perfect Passive. (відео)

Who can tell me how to create Present Perfect Passive?
V.3. Grammar Practice
Our next task is to practice in using Present Perfect Passive.
Please create groups.
(Task on cards) Complete the statement and the question in the Present Perfect  Passive. The main verb is in brackets.
V.4. Work with a pupil’s book
Ex.4, p.113  And now I want you to open your books at page 113 and do Ex 4, and 5. (учні ланцюжком виконують)
Well done!
V.5. Reading
T: Remind me please, how many countries does The United Kingdom consist of?
-         What part we haven’t talk about yet?
P: The Northern Ireland
T: So I have a text for you about this country. Let’s try to read it.
Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland is a country that is a part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It’s capital is Belfast. Northern Ireland is situated in the north-east of the island of Ireland.
It’s total area is 13,843 square kilometers. It is surrounded by  the Republic of Ireland in the south and in the west. Northern Ireland is washed on the north and north east by the North Channel, o the south east by the Irish Sea. Northern Ireland has a temperate climate. The weather is changeable at all times of a year. The highest maximum temperature  +30 was fixed on 12 July 1983, and the lowest minimum  temperature  -18 was fixed on 1 January 1979. Northern Ireland is a beautiful country with mountainous territories and green valleys. Lots of tourists who  are fond of hiking, sailing, skiing and canoeing are attracted by the wonderful scenery of that country.
The culture of Northern Ireland is also very interesting.
Shamrock has been used as a symbol of Ireland since the 18th century. The Shamrock is used in many state emblems.
The national flag is called after St. Patrick, the Ireland’s patron  saint.
The most famous building is the Grand Opera house in Belfast. That is a theatre, designed by the most prominent architect of the period, Frank Matcham.
English language is spoken and regarded as an official in Northern Ireland.
1.     Read out all sentences in Passive Voice.
2.     Answer the questions
-         What is the capital of Northern Ireland?
-         Where is Northern Ireland situated?
-         What is it surrounded by?
-         What is it washed by?
-         What is the symbol of Northern Ireland?
-         What is the most famous place, building?

V.6. Test
Today at the lesson we have learnt a lot of interesting information about the UK. Let’s have a test about it. You may use your notes.
Choose and circle the correct answer.
       Учні виконують;
2      Перевірка виконаного завдання.

Dear students. Our lesson came to the end and we have some minutes to summarize everything we have learnt today.
Show me your fact files and tell me, what do you remember about England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland?
When do we use Passive Voice?
How is Present Perfect Passive formed?

28 лист. 2015 р.

                     Music is one of the most effective methods of teaching. You can express all your feelings and emotions through it. They say 'music unites generations' and I agree with it...
                                                                         Form 8
Topic: Music. Styles of music.
Objectives: -  to develop pupil’s personal skills in learning;
  - to practice the vocabulary under study;
  - to broaden pupil’s glossary;
  - to practice  pupil’s reading , speaking and listening skills;
  - to stimulate pupil’s creative thinking;
  - to deepen pupil’s awareness of music styles;
  - to develop  pupil’s imagination and aesthetic tastes;
Equipment: student’s book, poster “Music makes me…”, stripes with the words,
audio records of different  styles of music, audio records of songs,  a
film “ The Beatles- short story”,  puzzle, handouts.

I.                  Greeting
T: Good morning! I’m glad to see you!
P: We are glad to see you to!
T: How are you?
P1. Thanks, I’m fine!
P2.  Thanks, I’m good!
P3. Thanks, I’m happy!
P4. Thanks, I’m so-so!
II. Aim
T: Let’s start our lesson. This will not be an ordinary lesson. I hope you are doing well and be active.
Look at the blackboard and read the topic.
P: Music. Styles of music.(all together)
T: What do you expect from the lesson?
P1. I expect to find out what is the role of music in our life.
P2. I expect to get to know more about styles of music.
P3. I want to speak about famous singers on today’s lesson.
P4. I want to get fun at the lesson.
III. Warming up
1.     Mind map
T: Let’s remind what is music?
P1. Music is a universal language.
P2. Music is the way in which people pass on their traditions.
P3. Music is the art that speaks to us.
P4. Music talks to our heart and soul.
P5. Music opens the way into the future.
T: Let’s find out what does our dictionary say about it?
P: The dictionary defines music as an art of sound that express ideas and emotions through rhythm, melody, harmony and sometimes words. However, music can mean many different things to different people.
T: And what is music to you?
    How does music make you feel?
   You can make up the sentences with the help of such stripes.

P1. I like music because it makes me better.
P2. I like music because it makes me……
P3.I like……
2.      Critical Thinking Practice
T: What is your favorite group?
P1.My favorite group is…….
T: What is your favorite singer?
P2. My favorite singer is…….
T: I have a surprise for you. You’ll listen to the  record and answer the questions. (учні уважно слухають запис пісні “Yesterday”)
By John Lennon and Paul McCartney
All my troubles seemed so far away,
Now it looks as though they’re here to stay,
Oh, I believe in yesterday.
Suddenly, I’m not half the man I used to be,
There’s a shadow hanging over me,
Oh, yesterday came suddenly.

Why she had to go I don’t know,
She wouldn’t say.
I said something wrong,
Now I long for yesterday.

T: Do you like the song?
    Do you know the style of the song?
     What is your impression?
P1. To my mind it is brilliant!
P2. I think it’s fantastic!
P3. I believe it is with a nice melody.
P4. In my opinion it is exciting!

1.     Pre-reading activity
T: Let’s revise what music styles do you know?
P1. I know such style…
T: Look! Here you have the styles of music and their definitions. Your task is to mach the definitions and the words.
Jazz- comes originally from black American musicians.
Falk music- composed many years ago and sang by people and choirs
Rap - a musical style where the singer speaks or shouts the words.
Rock- a style based on blues and rhythm but with the electric instruments amplified so they are very loud.
Heavy Metal- played with the help of electric instruments and steady rhythm, is very loud.
Rock ’n’ Roll- a style of music that was popular especially in the 1950’s but is still played now. It has a strong loud beat and is usually played on electrical instruments.The best known singer Elvis Presley.
Classical music- created by composers and is often played by a big orchestra in a concert hall.
Pop music- is often played by younger people, offers simple tunes and is popular for dancing.
Reggae- it develops in Jamaica, especially in 1960’s, and its best known singer was Bob Marley.
2.     Reading
T: Open your copybooks. Write down the date, class work. Open your books on page 69. We are going to read the text and answer the question.
Ex.1, p.69 (учні отримують картки для самостійної робити і мовчки читають тексти, заповнюють картки)
T: So, read and answer.
3.     Post- reading activities.
T: Let’s listen to six pieces of music and identify each type. Ex. 3, p.70. (учні прослуховують запис 6 уривків різних стилів)
Who is eager to answer? Please…. (один учень дає відповідь)

1.     Pre-presentation
T: Of course, genre preference often depends on a variety of factors. One example is the way that a difference in age influence on the type of music you prefer. I invite you to get more information on musical styles.
Do you know who is Mozart?
What style of music did he represent?
2.     Presentation
T:The first group is given a text about W. Mozart, where the paragraphs are mixed and are to be arranged in the correct order.
The second group is given the same text in the correct order but with missing words and must fill in the gaps using a given list of words
Once both groups are done, they give their texts to the other group to check if it is right.

(f) Wolfgang Mozart is a famous Austrian composer. He was born in 1756. His father, violinist and a composer, noticed a wonderful talent in his son and taught him to play musical instruments and to compose.
(a)By the age of four, Mozart play the clavier. When he was five or six he started composing music. At the age of eight or nine Mozart created his first symphonies and at the age of ten – his first creations for musical theatre.
(d) When he was six years old his father decided to take him and his sister to the big cities of Europe. The two children gave concerts in Germany, Austria, France, England, and Switzerland. The audience was delighted to see such a small boy playing the clavier.
(b)When he was 14 he was invited to Italy. He could not imagine his life without music. By the age of 19 Mozart was the author of ten major musical works.
(e) At the age of 26 he moved from his native town to Vienna. Though, he didn’t have great success as a composer in Vienna, Mozart wrote many songs, serenades and symphonies.
(c) Burdens of his life, poverty and disease sped up his death. He died at the age of 35. Real fame came to Mozart only after death. Many people now know and like his music.
II- group

Wolfgang Mozart is a famous Austrian (1)___________. He was born in 1756. His father, violinist and a composer, noticed a wonderful talent in his son and taught him to play musical instruments and to compose.
By the age of four, Mozart play the clavier. When he was five or six he started composing music. At the age of eight or nine Mozart created his first (2)_______________  and at the age of ten – his first creations for musical theatre.
When he was six years old his father decided to take him and his sister to the big cities of Europe. The two children gave (3)_______________ in Germany, Austria, France, England, and Switzerland. The audience was delighted to see such a small boy playing the clavier.
When he was 14 he was invited to Italy. He could not imagine his life without (4)________________. By the age of 19 Mozart was the author of ten major musical works.
At the age of 26 he moved from his native town to Vienna. Though, he didn’t have great success as a composer in Vienna, Mozart (5) ___________ many songs, serenades and symphonies.
Burdens of his life, poverty and disease sped up his death. He died at the age of 35. Real (6) ______________ came to Mozart only after death. Many people now know and like his music.
symphonies, composer, concerts, music, fame, wrote

3.     Post -  presentation activity
T: Now, you’ll get mixed sentences.  Make up the questions and answer them.
1.     Put the sentence in order and answer the question
1.     When / born ?/ Mozart / where / was / and
      2. did / father / What / his / him? / teach
      3. music? / he /composing / did / When / start
2.Put the sentence in order and answer the question
1.Mozart / young / countries / What / did / visit?
2.did / When / come / Mozart ?/ to / fame/ the / real
3.by / did/ works / he / how / 19? / of / age/ many/ create / the
3.Put the sentence in order and answer the question
1.did / When / come / Mozart ?/ to / fame/ the / real
   2. did / father / What / his / him? / teach
3.Mozart / young / countries / What / did / visit?
T: Let’s relax a bit and try to do the puzzle.
(учні виходять по одному, витягують стрічки із завданням до кросворду і відповідають на нього)
1.                The person who stands in front of the orchestra
(9 letters) - conductor

2.                The stick used by the person (5 letters) - baton

3.                A classical composition for the orchestra (8 letters) - symphony

4.                A performance of music by one person (7 letters) - recital

5.                A person who writes music (8 letters) - composer

6.                Singing and acting together (5 letters) - opera

7.                 A written sign for a musical sound of a particular length (4 letters) – note







T: Have you ever been to the concert?
P: Yes. I was at the concert a year ago.
T:  What concert was it?
P: It was “ Druha Rika”
 T:   What kind of music was played there?
P: It was rock.
     T: Did you like the concert?
      P: Yes, I liked it very much. I was full of emotions after the concert.

T: Imagine that you have tickets on a concert of your  favorite group.
Make up a dialogue about your going to the concert.

Dialogue 1
-         Hi
-         Hallo , …..
-         What are you doing on Saturday? Are you busy?
-         No, why are you asking?
-         Because, I have two tickets to the concert of my favorite group “ Okean Elzy”. Would you like to come with me?
-         Yes, of course. It will be great!
-         Let’s meet at 5.
-         Nice. Thank you for your calling.
-         Bye!

Dialogue 2
-         Hay
-         Hi
-         There is a musical concert in the park. You want to see the band play?
-         I am done with my homework. I can go. And what band is playing?
-         “TIK”. I like rock music.
-         Me too. TIK has many funny songs. Where will we meet?
-         In our park, at three.
-         Excellent. Bye!
-         Bye!

Dialogue 3
-         Hi, everybody
-         Hallo
-         Would you like to go to the concert today’s evening?
-         You will enjoy this evening. There will be good pop music, a lot of dancing around.
-         Oh, I prefer rock music. But I can stand, let’s go.
-         Bye! See you there.
Who would like to be the first?

1.     Pre- listening activity

T: Children, tell me what do you know about the Beatles?
P1: they are a rock band
P2: they are the British group

2.     Listening and watching
3.     Post-listening activity
The Beatles


1.     When and where was the group born?
2.     Who were the members of the group?
3.     Who wrote most of the Beatles songs?
4.     What musical instruments did the Beatles play?
5.     When did the Beatles gain worldwide fame?
6.     What was the theme of the first compositions?
7.     What are their most famous songs?

To write an essay “The role of music in our life”

T: Did you like the lesson today?
What new things have you learned?
What new kind of music would you like to listen to? Why?
What is the role of music in our life?
P1: I liked the lesson because it was interesting and we do many activities today
P2: I have learned more about styles of music.
P3: And I’ve got to know about the Beatles. It was exciting story.
P4. I want to listen to pop music because I like to dance. And I understood that music is everywhere: in the air, in the nature, in the people, in our souls and bodies.

T:  Marks for today…. You were very active…. You made some mistakes but…..

The lesson is over!