27 лист. 2015 р.

11 form
Theme: Ecological problems in my country
Aim:   - to develop student’s speaking skills through different methods of work (group, pair work, individual);
-         To broaden  student’s knowledge of the topic;
-         To practice listening and  making up student’s own opinion on the topic
-         To practice student’s grammar and reading skills
-         To bring up students careful attitude to the environment.
Equipment: computer, video-board, presentation, sheets of paper.
I.                  Introduction
1.     A poem “ Hug the earth”
Walking along feeling free
 Feeling the earth here with me,               
 And I love her, she loves me,                                         
 I hug the Earth, the Earth hugs me.
 She’s our friend,
 We’d like to be together forever.                                     
 The earth is a garden,                                                              
 It’s a beautiful place
 For all living creatures,
 For all the human race.
 Helping Mother Earth,
 We can peacefully roam,
 We all deserve a place,
 We can call our home.
2.     Greeting
T: Good morning, students. The weather is fine today, isn’t it? You also look wonderful. So, I hope, it will have only positive influence on your work. Let’s start!
Have you noticed the changes in the weather last time?
Look at the pictures.

Be attentive…(презентація з малюнками різних екопроблем)
3.     Aim. Now tell me what do you think, what is the topic of our lesson?
(відповіді учнів)
Yes, you are right. The topic of our lesson is “Ecological problems of our country” Today we are going to speak on this topic. But not only to speak. We shall try to find out the solutions to some ecological problems. To think. To know. To make decisions.
At the same time you will practice your listening, grammar, reading and speaking skills.
4.     Warming up.
Match the words and their definitions.
1.     environment
a)    an area set aside and carefully panned with the necessary elements for preserving nature
2.     fauna
b)    animals or animal life
3.     flora
c)     plants or plant life
4.     garbage can
d)    waste bin
5.     Global worming
e)     Warming of temperatures around the world
6.     climate
f)       aspects of the weather such as temperature, rainfall light, air movement
7.     pollution
g)    a result of peoples bad actions on nature
8.     smog
h)    mixture of smog and fog
9.     acid rain
i)       rain polluted by chemical compounds that have been released into the atmosphere from factories
10.                       to pollute
j)       to make dirty air, water, everything around us
11.                       waste
k)     everything you throw away as damaged or of no use, it may be nuclear, industrial, dangerous
12.                       to poison
l)       you can even kill with this dangerous thing
13.                       to survive
m)  to continue to be alive after coming close to death

T: Good work
II.               Main Part of the lesson
1.     Listening
a)    Pre-listening activities
T: I’d like to start our discussion with the words of great philosopher the Dalai Lama “Mother Planet is showing us the red warning light – “be careful”- she is saying.  To take care of the planet is to take care of our own house”.
Do you agree with this quotation?
P: Yes, our planet is in a danger. The problem of pollution has become more important today. Using automobiles and other machines made pollution worse. Air, water and soil are necessary for existence of all living things. But polluted air can cause illness, and even death. Polluted water kills fish and other marine life. We must help our planet.    
b)    Listening
T:  You know, that  people all over the world are worried  about our environment.
Many famous people make their contribution to the protection of environment. I suggest you listening to the song of a famous American singer Michael Jackson and see a video clip.
During the listening you have to note the problems mentioned in the song.
c)     Post-listening activities
T: We have just seen the clip and it is by chance and the reason why we have chosen the topic “Environmental problems” It is quite actual.  What is the message of this song? 
  Did you like the song?
What ecological problems are mentioned in the song?
What other ecological problems can you name?
P 1: Air pollution, littering, shortage of natural resources, destruction of wildlife and countryside, the growth of population, climate change, greenhouse effect.
T.: What causes these problems and what we should do to solve them?
P 2 The air today is rather polluted with smoke from cars, buses, factories and plants. Also this smoke ruins ozone layer, and harmful ultraviolet rays of the Sun can come down and cause skin cancer. The poisoned air also creates so called “greenhouse effect”. In order to prevent this we need quality air-filters at all factories and plants especially chemical and metallurgical ones. Increasing the areas of forests and green zones is important as well.
P 3 Speaking about water pollution, everyone knows that water is the basis of life. Clean water is as important as fresh air for our existence. Today a lot of rivers and seas are filled with poison: industrial waste, all kinds of chemical elements and pesticides. Industrial enterprises of large cities pour harmful substances into river and sea’s waters. The emissions destroy fishing industry and lead to damage of wildlife. We must stop the poisoning of fresh-water sources. It needs extra water-purifying constructions, to make all enterprises to use only recycled water. Don’t let rivers become dumps!
P 4 I want to speak about the problem of deforestation. Vast forests are cut and burn in fire nowadays. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever.
P 5 Other very important environmental problem is the growing level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This greenhouse gas emissions lead to the considerable climate change: growing average temperatures – disastrous results of which we can see already today: weather extremes, destructive floods, and water and food shortages. The way out is to use alternative, renewable energy sources: solar energy, energy of wind and water.
2.     Vocabulary practice. Pair work.
Group 1. Fill in the gaps in the text using given words: environmental, environment, natural resources, renewable, pollute, difficult, future generations, finally, Earth
If we do not change our ways in dealing with Mother Earth, we will soon die out. One way of escaping ____________________________ (environmental) disasters is to reduce the exploitation of our ________________________ (natural resources). We have to find _____________________ (renewable) energy sources which will be more environment-friendly and will not _________(pollute) the air so much. This will certainly be ______________(difficult) to do, but we have to work harder for the ______(future generations) and we have to make a change faster. __________________ (finally), we have to remember that the changes must start with us: _____ (Earth) is our home, our habitat, and we have to take good care of it. Naturally, if we do not do anything ourselves, why should we expect others to clean the _________(environment) for us?
Group 2. Fill in the gaps in the text using given words: acid, change, endangered, environmental, layer, ozone, polluted, rain forests, reduction, renewable
Friends of the Earth is the world’s largest international network of (1) ………………………………………. Groups represented in 68 countries. In the UK, it was the first organization to campaign to save whales, (2) …………………………………….. species and tropical (3) …………………………………………. . Friends of the Earth also fought against (4) ………………………………………… rain, (5) ………………………… depletion and climate (6) …………………………………………………. .The organization’s present campaigns cover many more issues, such as protecting the wildlife and the countryside and cutting air pollution. They promote waste (7) ……………………………………………… and cleaning up of (8) …………………………………………. Rivers. They also campaign for the reduction of traffic levels and the improvement of public transport. They lobby politicians and political parties to protect the ozone (9) …………………………………………… and control dangerous chemicals. Their objectives also include promoting energy efficiency and (10) …………………………………………….. energy.
3.     Reading
One of the main ecological problems in the world is deforestation.
I suggest you reading the text and discuss this problem in pairs.
Try  to understand the general information
The rate of the deforestation in the world is alarming. Every day a hectare of the world's forests is being destroyed forever. Why is this happening? There are two reasons - land and wood. In many countries the trees have been cut down because the land was needed for crops. In other part of the world they cut down trees because their wood is wanted. This wood is used by the local people for firewood. Or it is exported to Japan, Europe and North America. There they used for buildings or for making furniture.
Unfortunately, in most places the trees won't be replaced. The soil in the forests is very thin, but it is protected by the trees. When trees are cut down, the soil is washed away by the rain or blown away by the wind. Soon nothing can be grown on it. The forest becomes a desert. Then people will need more land and they will cut down more trees.
When we destroy the forest, we lose not only the trees but the homes of millions of animals and plants together with them. At the moment there are between five and ten million species of animals and plants on the Earth. One million of these is extinct. All kinds of species are in danger - fish, reptiles, birds, insects - as well as thousands of plants.
Who is guilty of this disaster? The answer is simple: all of us. There are just too many people in the world. The world's population is now over one billion people. Of course, it's very easy to blame the local people. We don't chop down trees. They do. But the products are bought by people like you and me.

Питання до тексту:
1.What are the reasons of deforestation?
2. To what countries is the wood exported? What is it used for?
3 . What do the trees protect?
4.What is the number of endangered animals?
5. Why is deforestation dangerous for animals?
4. Role-play
Imagine that you are the only tree in the town park. There is garbage around. There is no clean room to play. What would you tell people if you were the tree?
5.Speaking. Pair work.
Make up your own dialogues about the environmental pollution.
Do you recycle?
Yeah, I do. How about you?
I only recycle glass.
I recycle everything! I recycle glass, paper, and plastic.
That’s cool. I guess you care about the environment a lot.
I do. I think people pollute way too much.
I don’t know a lot about pollution.
Well, there are many different kinds of pollution.
oh, really? Like what?
Yes. Air pollution and light pollution are two of them.
How do people prevent pollution?
Well, driving less and using clean forms of energy prevent pollution.
Don’t cigarettes pollute?
Yes, they do. People should be more considerate.
P 2.
-Good morning
-  Good morning
- How are you?
- Very fine, thanks. And you?
- I’m also fine. Thank you very much.
- I want to talk to you bout air pollution. Have you any problem?
-No problem. Carry on.
- According to you what is the cause of air pollution?
- There are many causes of air pollution? Deforestation is one of them.
- Is smoke responsible for air pollution?
- Yes, it is. Beside this, the chemicals of mills and factories pollute the air.
- How can we prevent air pollution?
-We should take care about the environment. And have to plant more trees.
You are right.
Let’s check how green you are
7.Information corner
                                  LET’S SAVE OUR PLANET!
      Everyone must play a part in protecting the environment. There are many things you can do your own every day to help save the planet. Here are some suggestions.
      Really, the best thing we can do for the planet is to use less   of it. At the Earth of the environmental crisis is our consumer society. Here are some questions you can ask yourself before buying something: Do I, or the other person I am buying this for, really need this? Is there another product which would do the same thing but more sustainable? Will this last a long time? Did I know how this item was made, how it will be used and how it will be disposed of?
    Regrettably, because we live in a “disposable society”, we are encouraged to buy a new “improved” item even if the one we have can be repaired. When we buy, we should buy items which are durable, we should maintain them, and have them repaired when necessary. If we practice this, many things can not only last a life-time, but they can be passed along generation to generation. If something is truly unusable for its original proposes, try to be more creative and think of how else it might be used. When you’re done with it, think of whether someone else might be able to use it.
   Rather than throwing an item out when neither you nor anyone else can make use of it, have it recycled. And while recycling is not perfect, it is better than sending goods to landfill or having them incinerated.
   Find out what types of materials can be recycled in your area. Clean and sort the materials before putting them out on the curb – often collectors will not pick up recycling that is mixed or contains non-recyclables.

III.           Final part of the lesson
1.     What have we done today?
2.     What was the topic of our lesson?
3.     Have we coped with all the activities?

4.     What did you like most on today’s lesson?

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