10 січ. 2016 р.

9 form
Examination cards 2014-2015
Examination card № 1
1.     Read the text and choose the best answer (A-D) to complete the sentences (1-4)
People need to be active to be healthy. Our modern lifestyle and all the conveniences we’ve become used to have made sedentary1 – and that’s dangerous for our health. Sitting around in front of the TV or the computer, riding in the car for even a short trip to the store and using elevators instead of stairs or ramps all contribute to our inactivity. Physical inactivity is as dangerous to our health as smoking!
Add up your activities during the day in periods of at least 10 minutes each. Start slowly … and build up.  If you are already doing some lite activities move up to more moderate ones. A little is good, more is better if you want to achieve health benefits. Scientists say accumulate 60 minutes of physical activity every day to stay healthy or improve your health. Time needed depends on effort – as you progress to moderate activities, you can cut own to thirty minutes, four days a week. Physical activity doesn’t have to be very hard to improve your health. This goal can be reached by building physical activities into your daily routine. Just add up in a periods of at least ten minutes each throughout the da. After three month of regular physical activity, you will notice difference –people often say getting started is the hardest part.
( FromHandbook for Canada’s Physical Activity Guide to Healthy Active Living p.4.
Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology, Ottawa, Ontario, 1998)
1Sedentary – involving a lot of sitting down; not active
1.     Nowadays people …
A.   are less active than in the past.
B.   do more exercises than in the past.
C.   are as sedentary as they used to be.
D.   spend much time in the gym.
2.     Time needed for physical activity depends on …
A.   health
B.   effort
C.   money
D.   person’s character
3.     You can improve your health …
A.   integrating physical activity into your timetable.
B.   eating less and less during short periods of time.
C.   relaxing and keeping cool.
D.   working as hard as possible.
4.     People say that …
A.   Getting into physical activity is the most difficult part.
B.   They do not have time for physical activity.
C.   Getting into physical activity is not so difficult.
D.   They get enough physical activity.

2.     Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verb ( present simple or present continuous).
1.     Right now I (watch) _ a funny comedy. I usually (watch)_ a lot of films.
2.     Rickie (be) _ my friend. We (like) _ to talk together. Right now we (talk)_ about school.
3.     My father (read)_ the newspaper every morning.
4.     Jaime usually (eat) _ cornflakes for breakfast, but today he (eat)_ an omellette instead.
5.     Alison and I (study) _ for the exam. We (not, want)_  to fail it!
6.     Maria (sing)_ in the band on Saturdays, and Oleh(play)_ the guitar.
7.     My uncle (live)_ in Lviv. I (live)_ in Mostyska.
8.     My mum (cook) _ dinner tonight. (you, want)_ to eat with us?

3.     Share your opinion (35-45words) on he topic: “ how can the Internet affect a person’s  life?” use the prompts given below.
-         What are positive and negative aspects of the Internet?
-         Can a person be successful if the do not have access to the Internet? Give an example.

Examination card 2
1.     Read the text and decide if the statements are T (true) or F (false).
“ Fish and chips” is deep- fried fish in batter with deep- fried potatoes, and popular take-away food. Fish and chips is originally from the United kingdom, but also very popular in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa and some coastal towns of the Netherlands and Norway; and also increasingly so in the United States and elsewhere. For decades it was the dominant (if not the only) take-away food in the United Kingdome.
The fried potatoes are called chips in British and  international usage; and while American English calls them French fries, the combination is still called “fish and chips”. ( potato chips, an American innovation, are a different potato-derived food, and are known as crisps in the United Kingdom.)
Fish and chips have separately been eaten for many ears – though the potato was not introduced until the 17th century. The originally Sephardi dish Pescadofrito, or deep-fried fish, came to Netherlands and England with the Spanish and Portuguese Jews in the 17th and 18th centuries.
The dish became popular in more widespread circles in London and the south-east in the middle of the 19th century ( Charles Dickens mentions a “fried fish warehouse” in Oliver Twist) whilst in the north of England  a trade in deep-fired “chipped” potatoes developed.
It is unclear when and where these two trades were merged to become the fish and chip shop industry we know today. The first combined fish and chipshop was probably the one opened in London by Joseph Malin in 1860.
During World War II, fish and chips  were one of the few foods that were not rationed in the UK.
1.     Fish and chips are popular only in England.
2.     American call “French fries” what British call “chips”.
3.     Americans call “chips” what British call “crisps”.
4.     The potato was introduced to Europe in the 18th century.
5.     The dish became popular in the 19th century.
6.     The first fish and chip shop was opened in the 19th century.
7.     Charles Dickens mentioned about that dish in his works.
8.     Fish and chips was a very popular dish in the UK during World War II.

2.     Choose the correct item.
1.     He did the exercises ….
A.   Himself
B.   Themselves
C.   Oneself
2.     They hurt … in the game.
A.   Itself
B.   Themselves
C.   Himself
3.     I …saw the car accident.
A.   Herself
B.   Ourselves
C.   Myself
4.     Anton washed … after the game.
A.   Herself
B.   Ourselves
C.   Himself
5.     Tania …has drawn that picture.
A.   Itself
B.   Ourselves
C.   Herself
6.     We saw … on television.
A.   Themselves
B.   Ourselves
C.   Himself.
7.     Stephen made this cake ….
A.   Himself
B.   Themselves
C.   Itself
8.     I did not want to believe it and then I saw the UFO ….
A.   Itself
B.   Herself
C.   Myself

3.     Yesterday you went the cinema with your friend. Write an e-mail (35 – 45 words) about your impressions.
-         Did you and friend like the film?
-         What impressed you most of all in this film?
-         What did you after you had seen the film?

Examination card 3
1.     Read the text and choose the best answer (A-D) to complete the sentences (1-4).
   Christmas is probably the most festive time of the year, a season of gift –giving and celebration. We all know that Christmas is a religious holiday which marks the birth of Jesus Christ. But did you also know that some of the traditions are adapted from rituals dating back to the time before Christianity?
    Many pagan people regarded the winter solstice as a time of celebration. Anticipating the return of spring, people decorated their homes with evergreen plants, a symbol of eternal life. Mistletoe was especially popular, as it was believed to have magic powers. People hung sprigs of mistletoe in their homes and kissed beneath them as a gesture of friendship. At pagan festivals there was also a lot of singing and dancing going on – “dancing in a circle” is the original meaning of the word “carol”.
    Still now we keep these traditions up: we sing Christmas carols and dance around in circles, we kiss beneath the mistletoe and we decorate our homes with Christmas trees. By the way, did you know that it was a German who set the trend of decorating Christmas trees in England? It was Prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s husband. When he moved to England, Christmas trees had already been popular in continental Europe, but not in England. In 1841, Prince Albert put up a Christmas tree at Windsor Castle. The event was reported in the press; and as the whole country was very keen on the royal family, people enthusiastically took up the custom of decorating a tree at Christmas.
1.     What did pagan people celebrate at this time of the year?
A.   The birth of Jesus Christ
B.   The winter solstice
C.   The magic power of mistletoe
D.   The New Year coming
2.     What does the word “carol” originally mean?
A.   To dance in a circle
B.   To sing Christmas songs
C.   To sing and dance around the Christmas tree
D.   To play games at Christmas  
3.     According to the text, which statement is correct?
A.   The royal family were the first Europeans who had a Christmas tree.
B.   Many people went to Windsor Castle to see the Christmas tree.
C.   Prince Albert brought the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree to Britain.
D.   Christmas trees had been already popular in England.
4.     Did people support the idea of decorating a Christmas tree?
A.   People didn’t like this idea.
B.   People eagerly took up the custom of decorating a tree at Christmas.
C.   People only supported the idea of celebrating a Christmas tree?
D.   People didn’t want to decorate Christmas trees.

2.     Fill in the correct reflexive pronouns.
1.     I did not want to believe it and then I saw the UFO ___myself___
2.     The girl looked at ___ in the mirror.
3.     Freddy, you’ll have to do your homework ____.
4.     You don’t need to help them. They can do it ___.
5.     I introduced ___ to my new neighbour.
6.     Boys, can you make your beds ___?
7.     She made ___ a pullover.
8.     What happened when a kitten sees ___ in the mirror?

3.     Write a letter (35-45 words) to your friend who is studying abroad. Include this information:
-         Some news about you;
-         A suggestion for meeting up somewhere soon;
-         Some news about your friends or family.

Examination card 4
1.     Read the text and choose the best answer (A-D) to complete the sentences (1-4).
    European scientists say they have found further evidence that how you serve food and drink matters hugely in the perception of taste. Researchers at the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the University of Oxford recruited 57 volunteers and asked them to taste hot chocolate served in plastic cups with four different colours – white, cream, red and orange. All of the cups were white on the inside.
    The chocolate was the same I all samples, but the volunteers found that the flavour  was better when the drink was served in the orange of cream-coloured cups. “ The colour of the container where food and drink are served  can make taste and aroma better”, Betina Piqueras - Fiszman of the Polytechnic University of Valencia said in a press release.
   “The findings could be beneficial to chefs and food manufacturers”, Piqueras-Fiszman added. Previous research has found that yellow containers boost the perception of flavor of lemons in soft drinks; beverages in cold colours, like blue, seem more thirst-quenching than warm colours like red; and if drinks are pink, they are perceived as being more sugary.
Taken from “ Hot chocolate tastes better in an orange cup”
From Agence France Press, 2012.

1.     What colour where the cups used in the study on the inside?
A.   red
B.   orange
C.   white
D.   different colours
2.     Volunteers found that the flavor of the hot chocolate was better when it was served in:
A.   only orange cups
B.   orange or red cups
C.   orange or cream cups
D.   cream or red cups
3.     According to the article the results of the research can be considered :
A.   surprising and new
B.   boring
C.   useless
D.   useful to chefs and food manufacturers.
4.     Research has shown that beverages in blue colour seem:
A.   more thirst-quenching than beverages in red colour
B.   more sugary
C.   less thirst-quenching than beverages in red colour
D.   more delicious.

2.     Put the verbs into the correct tense form (past simple or past continuous).

1.     I (jog) in the park, when two squirrels (cross).
2.     Robert (fall) off the ladder when he (pick) cherries.
3.     When we (travel) around Ireland, we (meet) some very nice people.
4.     While we (speak) on the phone, the milk (boil) over.
5.     When I (leave) the house this morning, the sun (shine).
6.     Caroline (burn) her hand when she (iron).
7.     Peter (listen) to music when his mother (come).
8.     Children (do) their tests when a break-bell (ring).

3.     Write an e-mail (35-45 words) to a friend telling him / her about your impressions of celebrating New Year’s day. Include this information:
-         where and with whom you celebrated the event;
-         the entertainment you had;
-         what you liked most.

Examination card 5
1.     Read the text and complete the sentences (1-8) after it.
   The football star Cristiano Ronaldo was born on February 5, 1985 on the island of Madeira, which is a few hundred miles south-west of Portugal. He grew up in a small house in the city of Funchal and began laying football for a youth team in Madeira,  where his dad was the team’s equipment manager. Cristiano Ronaldo was a huge football star on the Island but he moved 600 miles to Lisbon when he was just 12 years old to play for sporting Lisbon’s youth team. The move was a difficult one for Cristiano, since he was a away from his family and many of his teammates made fun of his Madeiran accent.
    While some kids choose to tease Cristiano about his accent, no one was teasing him about his football skills. His dazzling footwork and goal-scoring touch made him a teenage star.
    He played his first game for Sporting Lisbon in the Portuguese Super League when he was 17 and quickly became known as one of the most exciting young football players in the world.
    Cristiano Ronaldo’s talent caught the eye of Manchester United manager, Alex Ferguson, who bought him from Sporting Lisbon for $20 million US! Cristiano Ronaldo has had success playing for both Manchester United and for Portugal. He scored the opening goal for Manchester in their 2004 FA Cup victory and helped Portugal advance in the finals at Euro 2004.
    His fabulous footwork and good looks have now made Cristiano Ronaldo one of the most popular players in Europe.
1.     Madeira is an island to the…
2.     In 1997 Cristiano Ronaldo mowed to …
3.     Cristiano missed his …
4.     When he was 17 he played ….
5.     Ronaldo as a player cost  Ferguson …
6.     Alex Ferguson was …
7.     In Europe 2004, Cristiano Ronaldo showed …
8.     Cristiano is one of the …
2.     Choose the correct item
1.     He did the exercises ….
A.   Himself
B.   Themselves
C.   Oneself
2.     They hurt … in the game.
A.   Itself
B.   Themselves
C.   Himself
3.     I … saw the car accident.
A.   Herself
B.   Ourselves
C.   Myself
4.     Anton washed …after the game.
A.   Herself
B.   Ourselves
C.   Himself
5.     Tania … has drawn that picture.
A.   Itself
B.   Ourselves
C.   Herself
6.     We saw … on television.
A.   Themselves
B.   Ourselves
C.   Himself
7.     I openedthedoorandfoundfacing a stranger
A.   Myself
B.   Herself
C.   Themself                                 
8.     . Goandseeitforifyoulike.
A.   Myself
B.   Herself
C.   Themself

3.     You have a new pen-friend. Write an e-mail (35-45 words) about yourself. Include this information:
-         your age;
-         your family;
-         your interests and hobbies.      

Examination card 6
1.     Read the text and decide if the statement are T(True) of  F(False).
    Dolphins are very popular animals – they are considered to be intelligent and friendly and they seem to play and smile all the time. There are almost 40 species of dolphins and watching them in their natural environment is an unforgettable experience. However, the future of the marine mammals is in danger. Amongst the many threats to dolphins are environmental pollution, noise pollution, habitat destruction and industrial fishing: many dolphins die as by-catch in fishing nets or cannot find enough food due to overfishing.
     To protect dolphins from extinction, the United Nations declared 2007 the Year of the Dolphin. With this campaign, the United Nations wanted to make people aware of the many threats dolphins face.
     Patron of the Year of the Dolphin was Prince Albert II of Monaco. He said, “ The Year of the Dolphin gives me the opportunity to renew my firm commitment towards protecting marine biodiversity. With this strong initiative we can make a difference to save these fascinating marine mammals from the brink of extinction”.
1.     Dolphins are very clever and friendly animals.
2.     There are more than 40 species of dolphins.
3.     Dolphins have already become extinct.
4.     Environmental pollution, noise pollution, habitat destruction and industrial fishing, threaten dolphins.
5.     Dolphins can get enough food in the sea.
6.     The United Nations declared 2007 the Year of the Dolphin.
7.     The aim of the campaign was to make people aware of the many threats dolphins faces.
8.     Patron of the Year of the Dolphin was Prince Charles.

2.     Choose the correct item
1.     I’m not sure … David lives.
A.   where
B.   wherever
C.   when
2.     … my bedroom and the bathroom are painted white.
A.   both
B.   all
C.   neither
3.     It was a … idea to have a party for your birthday.
A.   best
B.   good
C.   well
4.     … they painted the ceiling, then they did the walls.
A.   first of all
B.   then
C.   finely
5.     John fell … his bicycle and hurt his knee.
A.   off
B.   around
C.   down
6.     There are … letters on the table. They are for you.
A.   no
B.   any
C.   some
7.     There are many guests in the hotel. … one has their own room.
A.   each
B.   every
C.   any
8.     He kicked the ball … the field.
A.   between
B.   across
C.   under.

3.     Write a postcard (35-45 words) to you friend in Ukraine. You are staying with your English pen-friend in England. Write about the following:
-         what city you are staying at now;
-         what interesting things you have learned about this city;
-         how you spend your time.

Examination card 7
1.     Read the text and choose the best answer (A-D) to answer the questions (1-4).
    The Eiffel Tower is a very famous tower in Paris, France. It was named after the engineer who designed and build it, Alexander Eiffel. The tower was built in 1889. Alexander Eiffel was asked to build the tower when France decided to have a big fair to exhibit its goods and wares. The tower was to be located in the middle of the fair as a special attraction. So, Eiffel designed the tower and soon began to build it, using iron beams and bolts. When the structure first started to take shape, the people of France did not like it. They thought it looked like a giant skeleton and was not attractive at all. However, when the tower was finally completed and lighted up at night, the people quickly changed their minds. It was an enchanting sight and now looked like a tower made of lace.
   The Eiffel Tower is sometimes considered one of the seven wonders f the modern world. It is 300 meters high and people can take an elevator all the way to the top. Form the tower, they can get a marvelous view of the city and the River Seine which runs through it. Besides the elevator, there are steps which lead all the way up the tower. For those who are energetic, they can use these to climb up. It is very windy at the top of the tower and can be very cold at times because it is only built by iron beams .There  are no walls to keep the wind out.
1.     The Eiffel Tower got its name ….
A.   From its location
B.   From the fair
C.   From its designer
D.   From Paris.
2.     The tower is … now.
A.   More than 100 years old
B.   100 years old exactly.
C.   Less than 100 years old
D.   Hundreds of years old.
3.     Why didn’t the people like the tower at first?
A.   They thought it wasn’t safe.
B.   They were haunted by it
C.   They didn’t like iron beams.
D.   They thought it was very ugly.
4.     Why did they change their minds in the end?
A.   It turned out to be very safe
B.   It turned out to be beautiful
C.   They liked lace
D.   The design was changed.
2.     Choose the correct item
1.     I … go camping this summer.
A.   Go
B.   Am going to
C.   Going
2.     We should use sources of energy.
A.   Typical
B.   Usual
C.   Alternative
3.     … my mind, that book is great!
A.   In
B.   For
C.   To
4.     If there is time, we … for an ice cream.
A.   Go
B.   Will go
C.   Going
5.     Future houses will be environmentally ….
A.   Optimistic
B.   Friendly
C.   Popular
6.     Joy is …. She always expects the worst.
A.   Pessimistic
B.   Optimistic
C.   Alternative
7.     I ...wear blue shoes tonight.
A.   Am going to
B.   Will
C.   Do
8.     My grandmother … cook dinner this Sunday
A.   Is going to
B.   Was
C.   Did
3.     Write a short composition (35-45 words) on the topic: “How has the Internet changed studying?” . Use the prompts given below.
-         Do you use the Internet when you study?
-         Evaluate and compare the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet.
Examination card 8

1.     Read the text and decide if the statements are T (true) or F (False).
     A gaunt Wolf was almost dead with hunger when he happened to meet a House-dog who was passing by.
     “Oh, brother”, said the Dog. “I know how it can be; your irregular life will soon make the ruin of you. Why don’t you work steadily as I do, and regularly get your food given to you?”
    “I would have no objection,” said the Wolf, “if I could only get a place.”
    “I will easily arrange that for you,” said the Dog. “Come with me to my master and you will share my work”.
     The Wolf and the Dog went towards the town together. On the way there the Wolf noticed that the hair on a certain part of the Dog’s neck was very much worn away, so he asked him how that had come about.
     “Oh, it is nothing,” said the Dog. “That is only the place where the collar is put on at night to keep me chained up; it is a bit stiff, but one soon gets used to it.”
    “Is that all?” said the Wolf. “Then good-bye to you, Master Dog”.
    The moral of the story is, “Better starve free than bea fat slave”.
1.     The Dog was starving to death when the Wolf met him.
2.     The Dog offered the Wolf a place in his master’s home.
3.     The Wolf and the Dog went away from the town together.
4.     The Wolf didn’t want to work steadily and get his food regularly.
5.     The hair on a certain part of the Dog’s neck was very worn away.
6.     The Dog said that the collar was put on him every morning to keep him chained up.
7.     The Wolf decided to leave after the Dog told him about his collar.
8.     The moral of the story is “Better starve free than be a hungry slave”.

2.     Choose the correct item.

1.     Computers … more and more efficient.
A.   are becoming
B.   become
C.   is becoming
2.     Paul … to Tina when I saw him.
A.   is talking
B.   was talking
C.   talks
3.     Sam … to school every day.
A.   was walking
B.   is walking
C.   walks
4.     We … to Austria last winter
A.   have gone
B.   went
C.   go
5.     The bank … by the time I got there.
A.   closes
B.   closed
C.   had closed
6.     Tina … while Bob was watering the plants.
A.   cooked
B.   was cooking
C.   has been cooking
7.     I … Italian for three years now.
A.   learn
B.   am learning
C.   have been learning
8.     They …for three hours when they stopped for a rest.
A.   have been driving
B.   had been driving
C.   were driving.

3.     Write a review about one of your favourite books(35-45 words). Use the prompts given below:
-         the title and the author;
-         what the book is about (the main characters / subjects);
-         recommendations why you think other readers might read it

Examination card 9

1.     Read the text and decide if the statements are T (True) or F (False)
    Ada Lovelace was the daughter of the poet Lord Byron. She was taught by Mary Somerville, a well-known researcher and scientific author, who introduced her to Charles Babbage in June 1833. Babbage was an English mathematician, who first had the idea for a programmable computer.
    In 1842 and 1843, Ada translated the work if an Italian mathematician, Luigi Menabrea, on Babbage’s Analytical Engine.
   Though mechanical, this machine as an important step in the history of computers; it was the design of a mechanical general-purpose computer. Babbage  worked on it for many years until his death in 1871. However, because of financial, political, and legal issues, the engine was never built. The design of the machine was very modern; it anticipated the first completed general-purpose computers by about 100 years.
    When Ada translated the article, she added a set of notes which specified in complete detail a method for calculating certain numbers with the Analytical Engine, which have since been recognized by historians the world’s first computer programme. She also saw possibilities in it that Babbage hadn’t: she realised that the machine could compose pieces of music. The computer programming language ‘Ada’ used insome aviation and military programmes, is named after her.
1.     Ada Lovelace’s teacher introduced her to Charles Babbage.
2.     Babbage programmed the first computer.
3.     Ada translated the article in 1842.
4.     The Analytical Engine was electronic.
5.     Luigi Menabrea designed the first computer.
6.     Babbage finished the machine before he died.
7.     Babbage’s design was ahead of its time.
8.     Ada Lovelace noticed that Babbage’s Analytical Engine could make computer games.

2.     Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the passive.

1.     The house ___ (build) last year by my father.
2.     The floor in my room ___(clean) already.
3.     All the food ___(eat) by the time I got there.
4.     The house ___ (decorate) this week.
5.     The town __(visit) by the king next month.
6.     The letters ___(open) every morning in the office.
7.     The car was three years old, but __ (not/ use) very much.
8.     The flowers ___(water) every day.

3.     Write an e-mail (35-45 words) to your friend about the nearest and dearest person in your family. Include the information:
-         What are the main features of her/his character?
-         Why do you admire this person?

Examination card 10

1.     Read the text and choose the best answer (A-D) to answer the questions (1-4).
    One of South America’s mysteries is Easter Island. Easter Island, also called Rapa Nui and Isla de Pascua, 3,600 km (2,237 ml) west of Chile, is a volcanic island with an interesting and partly unknown history. The island was named by the Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen because he encountered it on Easter Sunday, 1722. He was the first European to find the island. The official name of the island, Isla de Pascua, means Easter   Island in Spanish. This Island is famous because of the approximately 887 huge statues which were found there. The statue consists of heads and complete torsos, the largest of which weighs 84 tones! These monuments, called moai, were carved out of compressed volcanic ash, called tuff, which was found at a quarry at a place called RanoRaraku. Statues are still being found. Some of the monuments were left only half carved. Nobody knows why RanoRaraku was abandoned. It is thought that the statues were carved by the ancestors of the modern Polinesian inhabitants. But the purpose of the statues and the reason they were abandoned remain mysteries.
1.     Who named the island “ Easter Island”?
A.   An explorer
B.   A  Dutch explorer
C.   The original inhabitants
D.   Both A and B are correct
2.     Who was Jacob Rogeveen?
A.   A European who found the island.
B.   An explorer who named the island.
C.   A person who carved several statues.
D.   Both A and B are correct
3.     What are moai?
A.   Ancestors of the current inhabitants.
B.   Quarries on the island.
C.   Statues on the island
D.   Volcanic ashes.
4.     Why isn’t the number of statues known?
A.   The island is too big to explore.
B.   Statues are sill being found.
C.   Some statues were taken away.
D.   Non of the above.

2.     Complete the conditional sentences.

1.     If you go out with your friends tonight, I (watch)_ the football match on TV.
2.     Tom will earn a lot of money if he (get)_ that job.
3.     If she (hurry/not)_ , we will miss the bus.
4.     If you (speak)_ English, you will get along with them perfectly.
5.     If you (get on)_ well with them, you will soon become a part of their team.
6.     If she (come)_ to see us, we will go or a walk to the local zoo.
7.     If they ask me, I (tell)_ them the truth.
8.     My friend (meet)_ me at the station if he gets the afternoon off.

3.     A cookery magazine is running a competition to find the best recipe. Write your recipe, explaining how to make your favourite dish (35-45 words). Use the plan below and your own ideas:
-         name of a dish;
-         ingredients;
-         preparation in chronological order.

                              Examination card 11
1.     Read the text and mark the correct variant (A-C) to complete the sentences (1-4).
     Only humans speak using words. But all species in the animal kingdom can communicate in one way or another. Maybe you have heard about the way bees dance around to send message to each other and the way dogs bark indifferent ways to give warnings, to be friendly or to be playful.
     But did you know about infrasonic communication used by elephants? This is how it works.
     Humans hear low sounds like the bass notes in music or thunder rumbling in the sky. But we don’t hear sounds lower than these. However, animals such as elephants and hippos can hear much lower sounds as humans can. And what’s more, they can make sounds in that range as well, and they use them to communicate with each other. This is known as infrasound.
     Another amazing thing about infrasound is that is travels over several kilometres. Sounds that have a higher pitch, like the ones people can hear, don’t travel well through walls, leaves, trees and so on, which is why we can’t hear sounds from more than 100 meters away. But infrasound is much ‘stronger’, and things like grass and trees have no effect on it. Therefore it can travel much further. Elephants can hear infrasonic calls from four kilometres away.
     In place like a zoo or wildlife park where you can get nearer to animals, it is a bit easier to sense when infrasonic sounds are made. When you stand near mother elephants with their babies in a zoo you may notice a slight rumbling in the air every few minutes – not loud or strong, but clearly noticeable. This is infrasonic communication – the mother elephants ‘talking’ to their babies.
1.     The writer mentions bees and dogs …
A.   Because they want to learn how they communicate.
B.   As examples of animal communication.
C.   Because they use infrasonic communication.
2.     Humans can hear …
A.   Lower sounds than elephants can.
B.   Sounds that travel long distances.
C.   Sounds with higher pitch.
3.     Things like trees …
A.   Can cause problems for low sounds.
B.   Cause problems for high sounds.
C.   Don’t effect sounds at all.
4.     In places like zoos …
A.   Humans can sense when infrasonic sounds are being made.
B.   Elephants don’t need to make infrasonic sounds.
C.   It is easier than in wildlife parks to sense when elephants use infrasonic sounds.

2.     Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1.     If you _ (not/put up) this shelf, you won’t have anywhere to put your books.
2.     If he _ (change) jobs, he would be more happier.
3.     If I were you, I _ (tell) her how you feel.
4.     If you continue to shout so loudly, you _ (wake up) the baby.
5.     Even if he_ (ask) them , they wouldn’t have agreed to come.
6.     If you are patient for a few minutes, I _ (be able) to finish this.
7.     If she _ (not / threaten) him, he wouldn’t have left.
8.     If the weather is fine, we _ (go) to the forest.

3.     Write a short article to your school magazine about your favourite actor/actress (35-45 words). Use the plan below and your own ideas:
-         what he/she is famous for?
-         his/her career;
-         your personal feelings about him/her.

                                Examination card 12
1.     Read the text and mark the correct variant (A-C) to complete the sentences (1-4)
    Born on March 19th, 1955, on a military base in Germany. Bruce Willis has always had a strong personality and a gift for acting.
     He was a very energetic teenager and became active in various drama clubs. His first leading role was in the very successful TV serial “Moonlighting” and his first great success was “Blind Date”, “Die Hard”, “Hudson Hawk” , “Armageddon” and a number of other unforgettable Hollywood  hits followed.
     Bruce Willis is of medium-height and well-built. What makes him so attractive is his smile and his laughing eyes. He looks great in expansive suits,but he prefers casual clothes.
     Of course he is not only well-known for being good-looking. He is a talented actor with a complicated personality. He is also a very sociable and outgoing person. His life and career have shown that, with determination and a strong will, you can succeed in whatever you choose to do.
     Bruce Willis was married to a film star Demi Moore, with whom he has three beautiful daughters. Unfortunately, his married life was not as successful as his career. That’s why he got divorced. Of course he loves his children and tries to spend as much time as possible with them, although he sometimes feels he doesn’t see them enough.
     Bruce Willis is indeed a unique personality, whose character has many sides. One thing is for sure his talent and fame will continue to shine for many years to come.
1.     In his teens, Bruce Willis …
A.   wasn’t very active.
B.   decided to join drama clubs.
C.   watched a lot of TV series.
2.     People find Bruce Willis attractive because…
A.   he is well-built.
B.   he is famous and talented.
C.   of his facial features.
3.     Bruce Willis is famous for…
A.   his talent and personality.
B.   his beautiful wife.
C.   his attractive appearance.
4.     The article tells us that Bruce Willis has a complicated personality because…
A.   he is rich and famous.
B.   he is very talented, strong-willed and successful.
C.   he loves going to parties with his friends.

2.     Mark the correct variant.
1.     Don’t take that money from the table. It’s _.
A.   me
B.   mine
C.   my
2.     Dora is crying. She has  cut _.
A.   she
B.   her
C.   herself
3.     Is that _ book?
A.   your
B.   yours
C.   you
4.     That’s my pencil. Please give it to _.
A.   I
B.   me
C.   my.
5.     I can’t find the newspaper. Where did you put _?
A.   itself
B.   its
C.   it
6.     Enjoy _ at the party, Beth. Have a good time!
A.   yourself
B.   you
C.   your
7.     I look at _ in the mirror every morning.
A.   mine
B.   myself
C.   me
8.     Susi loves her grandmother. She takes care about _.
A.   she
B.   her
C.   him
3.     Write a short composition on topic “ The more languages you speak, the more of person you are”. Use the prompts below:
-         How do you understand the proverb?
-         How does the knowing of foreign language helps you in your life?

                               Examination card 13

1.     Read the text and mark if the statements are T (True) or F ( False).
     Flamenco is very popular in southern Spain. It begins with guitar music and clapping and dancers join the performance. Sometimes a woman dances alone and sometimes she daces with a man. The woman usually wears a long, colourful dress. She moves her arms and hands slowly, but feet move fast, complicated steps. The man often wears black. Both dancers click their shoes on the floor when they dance around each other.
      Cossack dances are from Ukraine. They are very energetic – some are more like gymnastics than dancing! Dancers have to be very fit because they jump very high and kick their legs up and down. They often jump over swords. The movements are similar to traditional Cossack activities, foe example, sword righting and getting on and off horses.
       Limbo dancing is originally from West Africa but today it is an important part of celebrations in the Caribbean. Young people have to dance under a horizontal pole. The pole is often on fire and the dancers mustn’t touch it! After a successful ‘limbo’, they put the pole lower and do it again. Some dancers can dance under a pole just twenty centimetres off the ground.
        Mask dances are important for the Dogon people in Mali. Each village makes different masks. They are often huge and colourful. There are masks of people, monsters or local animals like crocodiles, hyenas and monkeys. Mask dancers are always men and they dance to the sound of drums for hours after the death of a person in the village. Nowadays, Dogon villages also perform the dances for tourists.
1.     Flamenco dancers begin after the music starts.
2.     Flamenco is popular in Italy.
3.     Cossacks dance slowly.
4.     Cossack dances have movements which are similar to traditional activities.
5.     Old people dance the limbo during carnivals.
6.     Nowadays limbo is popular in the Caribbean.
7.     Dogon masks are colourful.
8.     The Dogon peopleperform mask dances at weddings.

2.     Put the adverbs in brackets into the comparative or superlative forms. Add than or of where necessary.

1.     I left the party ____(late) you did.
2.     Jane dances ___(beautifully) all.
3.     Sam swims _____ (fast) you do.
4.     My sister drives ___ ( carelessly) us all
5.     That man gives ____ (generously) to the poor ___ my father does.
6.     The leading actress speaks ___ (clearly) all.
7.     George plays chess ____ (well) I do.
8.     Mr Smith works ____ (hard) all.

3.     Your friend has some difficulties with Maths and asks you for a help. Write an e-mail. Use the following:
-         mention how can you help him;
-         arrange the meeting.

Examination card 14
1.     Read the text given below. Decide if the statements are T (True) or F (False).
Dear Mom and Dad,
    This is my fifth day at the summer camp. Life in the great outdoors isn’t exactly what I’ve expected, but I’m not starving…yet…so don’t worry about me.
     I guess I should tell you about what I do every day. First, everyone has to get up at 5:30 A.M. They have this silly old rooster named Harry who loves to wake us up. Next, we have to make our beds and tidy up the cabin before our camp counselor, Jeff, comes to inspect the place.
     Then, we have breakfast around 6:30 A.M. After that, we have some free time, so I’ve been going down to the nearby stream to fish for a couple of hours. But yesterday, the only thing I caught was an old shoe and a tree branch. Great catch, Huh? Then when I was trying to swat a mosquito buzzing around my head, I slipped and fell in the stream and lost my fishing pole. That ended my fishing career.
     Well, in the afternoon, there are different activities we can choose from like archery, horseback riding, and hiking. I though archery would be the sport  for me until I shot an arrow through Jeff’s pant leg. As you can imagine, I haven’t been invited back since.
     In the evening, everyone is assigned a different chore to get dinner ready. Yesterday, I was in charge of cooking the hotdogs, but I accidentally dropped them in the fire, so we had to settle for beans instead. The other kids are always razzing me about it.
      At night, we sit around a campfire in front of the cabin, sing songs, and tell ghost stories. That’s usually fun, but one night while trying to find more sticks for the fire, I got all turned around and got lost. After about an hour of wandering aimlessly in the forest, I finally found my way back, but no one seemed to have realized what had happened, thinking that I had just gone to bed. A bear or wolf could have eaten me and no one would have known it. I was so beat I just crashed … out like a light.
      Well, today is another day and tomorrow I go home…and not a bit too soon. I’ve learned that camping is just not for me.
1.     Brad wrote a letter to his sister and brother.
2.     Brad wrote in his letter that he wasn’t starving.
3.     Brad does the same things every morning.
4.     Brad wakes up at 6:30 in the morning.
5.     Brad never has free time at the camp.
6.     A mosquito caused Brad to fall into the stream.
7.     Brad really enjoys archery.
8.     Brad short his friend Jeff in the leg with an arrow.

2.     Fill in with the correct reflexive pronouns.

1.     I made ____ a sandwich for lunch.
2.     Ann painted her room ____.
3.     Jack bought _____ a book.
4.     Help _____ to tea and cake!
5.     There taught ____ to drive.
6.     Mike doesn’t need help; he can fix his bicycle by ____.
7.     John and Jill put up the tent ___.
8.     We built our house __________.

3.     You want to make friends with somebody on the Internet. Write an email to your new pen –fried (35-45words). Use  the plan below and your own ideas:
-         your appearance;
-         your character;
-         your interests;

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