10 січ. 2016 р.

Language as a guide to study culture
     Language is the most important feature distinguishing humans from all the animals. We use language to inform the people around us of what we feel, what we desire, and question ] understand the world around us. We communicate effectively with our words, gestures, and tone of voice in a multitude of situation. Communication drives our lives and better ourselves.
      Nowadays, we have a great opportunity to improve our mother tongue but also to learn any other foreign language. In this respect we can connect with foreign people and make sense of our experiences sharing our knowledge with others.
      Knowing any foreign language has many advantages: in the first place we have communication with people from other countries.  We can find good friends, loving and caring husband / wives or serious business partners. For example you are a businessman and you are talking to your partner in his native language, be sure you can get his trust what you are saying and there will be more intimate relationship than if you were to conduct all the communication through a translator. This could be an important step in building strong and lasting business and friendship that help insure your own personal growth.
       In the second place foreign language becomes a real guide to study other cultures. It helps to discover new worlds, to get an insider’s view of another culture and a new view of your own. The proverb says: ‘ When you talk to a person in a language he understands , you touch his head, but when you talk to him in his native language you touch his heart’. And the greatest representatives of culture of any country that touch people’s hearts are poems, lyrics and prose. When you are able to read literature in the original language, you can feel the atmosphere of life described there. The fact of the matter is knowing the original languages permits you understand behavior, thoughts, way of live more deeply, more clearly.  Furthermore, knowledge of the foreign language is useful in politics too. G8 is informal group of  countries –leaders in the world economy arena. Gathering together they decide and solve many problems connected with their economical and social life and of course they use one language. Language with the help of which they exchange their experience.
      In another sense the importance of language is beneficial regardless if you do it for fun or for your career or even just for personal travel.


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